How it all started ...


The Bucket List Book Story 

October 2022

It all begins …

Hey there,

Meet Sam and Marta, the dynamic duo behind The Bucket List Book – your go-to spot for stunning hardcover journals that are all about planning and capturing life's epic adventures. From cozy Dorset, we're the hands-on duo making sure every order gets that personal touch – we pack each one in eco-friendly, plastic-free goodness.

Why do we do it? Because owning a small business means doing what you love every single day. And let's be real, the best part is when your orders start rolling in. It's like a high-five from you, telling us our journals are hitting the right notes.

Cheers to Happy Adventures, The Bucket List Team 🚀✨


Hey, check it out – we're making waves in the press! 🌊




Dear Amazing Customers,

We can't help but shout it from the rooftops – THANK YOU! Your support means the world to us at The Bucket List Book. Every order, every kind word, and every shared moment of joy makes this journey incredibly special.

Your support isn't just a transaction; it's a connection, a shared adventure. It means the world to us, and we want you to know that.

Here's to more dreams captured, goals achieved, and adventures shared. Thank you for being a vital part of The Bucket List Book family.

Happy Adventures , The Bucket List Book Team 🌟